Friday, December 25, 2009

please be advised we are chickens not geese or turkeys here are some eggs going away

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The mission of this blog is simple and 3 fold

1) to amuse me

2) to amuse my readers

3) to get paid (hence the ads and ocassionals link to amazon assiactes program for things like chick books and video

Thursday, November 26, 2009


This a PSA from throin King of the flock

this thanksgiving

we are CHICKENS not turkeys

go away


at last the new folk is producing eggs in real numb ers

Monday, November 2, 2009

The mission of this blog is simple and 3 fold

1) to amuse me

2) to amuse my readers

3) to get paid (hence the ads and ocassionals link to amazon assiactes program for things like chick books and video

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

not exactly fowl but avain

it is that time of years again when the local wood peckers are looking for whatever they need and they start pecking on the house

ah the joys of living in the woods

Monday, October 26, 2009


the chcicken are a bit dismayed as they have been moved into there new winter home (picutres to follow when I get around to it

Friday, October 2, 2009

The mission of this blog is simple and 3 fold

1) to amuse me

2) to amuse my readers

3) to get paid (hence the ads and ocassionals link to amazon assiactes program for things like chick books and video

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

well horse helpp to fly like eagles

no they will not help you fly like an eagle?

they will help see you stay warm

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The mission of this blog is simple and 3 fold

1) to amuse me

2) to amuse my readers

3) to get paid (hence the ads and ocassionals link to amazon assiactes program for things like chick books and video

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

there no ETU moving in HERE

I am roberta and I say Bawk no etu here they might eat my food

well roberta you should warmer than ever in the shelter this winter

Sunday, August 30, 2009

what is this abut equine thermal units

I am hearing by listen to the people that we are aquiring "equine Thermals units" not sure what they are


the are here

Friday, August 21, 2009

Noternal Fowll

well sorta we were awaken about an hour ago by the cat trying to earn his quoate of Nocternal's to discover that 2 bats had gotten into the house and between us a net 2 broms and pillow a cat and a dog the bats were chased out of the room without harm to them or anything other than Our wits

second URL for this blog

just looking at way of trying my bolog to my website ( and hopfully keep the chken in the place lead right here

Thursday, August 20, 2009


here they were

Saturday, August 15, 2009

On the Loose

Free at last! Free at last! This is some of us escaping from the pen when the top hen's back was turned getting our food (you don't see those of us getting in her way of scooping the food out of the bucket). Just because she's the food bringer doesn't mean we listen to her; the cracked corn is great, but we need grass. A growing chicken can't live on wheat and corn alone and the grasses sway and bob just out of our reach teasing us. They need to be eaten. Flying is FUN too; if we don't escape occassionally how else are we going to learn to fly like eagles? What's an eagle??

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

new flash

roberta the eldest chicken laid an egg

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The mission of this blog is simple and 3 fold

1) to amuse me

2) to amuse my readers

3) to get paid (hence the ads and ocassionals link to amazon assiactes program for things like chick books and video

Monday, July 20, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

adeath in the flock

Gavdivah on of our 2 oldest chickens passed on in the nights. As far can be told he passed peaceful and was 5 years old at the time of her death, her very last days were spent being something of a mother hen to this latest brood of chickens as she had to the bunch before them. Teaching such thing what grasses are good to eat and the chicks would really like to eat the cracked corn we have been adding to the feed.

she is survived by her clutch mate Roberta and the 12 young chicks that she was being a mother hen to

Friday, July 10, 2009

some things don't go together

After looking at the most recent entry by the head rooster and then at the ads underneath it all that can be said is BAWWK!!! I know the ads are computer generated based on key words but something is just plain wrong with advertising fried chicken here. That's not to say the head hen doesn't threaten the flock with becoming chicken soup when they're too annoying. As if.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

throin the rooster serces his ego

throin being a rooster likes to loom at himself int he mirro

Monday, July 6, 2009

Sunday, July 5, 2009

chick start daytrips out outside

well tthe fellow are staying out int he day

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The mission of this blog is simple and 3 fold

1) to amuse me

2) to amuse my readers

3) to get paid (hence the ads and ocassionals link to amazon assiactes program for things like chick books and video

Saturday, June 27, 2009

murder most foul

in the night a few minutes ago the flock was attacked by some vile vermin most likely a shunk or some such and 2 of the chick murdered while enclosed is a solid steel cage. they were not eaten or removed from the cage by most

let t not be said only man murders for sport or greed

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

birthday anoucemnet

the top hen here in the local blogoshere Is Gavreilah here brithday is today as the secodn rooster in the flock I recomend you buy here a gift either by buying something (idealy something wings as befits the flock) at the senior rooster's website or to give the gift of green in care of the top rooster

Sincerly Thotin and flock

Monday, June 15, 2009

more of the flock

yea they are at the not sure cute stage

Sunday, June 14, 2009

the flocking in there current home

the flocklings

still a bit smal to go and in that ugly stage between pips and pullets but still learning to fly like eagles...they think

Saturday, June 13, 2009

dora escapes and perchs

well the chicks are getting big to escape thier container but still too small to go outside

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

moving day for chicks

no not outsiude yet but in the winter chicken house and the larger cages

Monday, June 8, 2009

the chickkepp...

groowing and eat and drinking peeping and generaly being chicks

Iwe think we are able to id Bilbo and thorin most of the time

they I pick them up and resist my wife doing so

stay tuned for more from chickland

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The mission of this blog is simple and 3 fold

1) to amuse me

2) to amuse my readers

3) to get paid (hence the ads and ocassionals link to amazon assiactes program for things like chick books and video

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

the chcick as they are today

well this pic will be reapted now and then along with new photos to allow you my readers to enjoy growing up

the chicks are here fillm at 11

well more like digital pics later

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

hmm poor little chicks

we send these poor girls ( and 2 guys shuffling around in the us mail

the new flockling arriving today

Roosters: Thorin and Bilbo
Hens:Balina, Dwalina, Ori, Nori, Dori, Kili, Fili, Oina, Gloina, Bifora, Bafora, & Bombura

Monday, May 18, 2009

no the chicks have not arrived

it seems that the box(s) of chick with our chicks are not yet here and are now hopefully due in tomarrow.

truely it is amazing what our chickens go through getting from their hatching to the farms to getting there meat and eggs to our table tops

off to pick the 14 chcick

not all the egg layeing Kind

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

a blog most fowl

yes a blog about chickens and the kosher ham
again this blog is to have fun show my flock and hopefully get paid

Sunday, May 10, 2009

and more

well I do hope the new flockling do not include your roosters you never know what they will

Friday, May 8, 2009

get real godiva

I am the leader of the flock and I will see to to the prerps for the news flocklings

Thursday, May 7, 2009

"only fools talk turkey" says the Celeb spokes chicken Godiva

what is the bloog coming to no one should listening to the feather brain Roberta but I must ge the yard ready for the new flocking that are coming soon

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Roberta squawrks back

Pay now attention to that strut feather Brain Godiva I Roberta am top chicken and the wiley of the flock since I survive the awfull day of the fox last summer lthought even that feather brain Godiva can see that dog is gets in over her fur with a blog of her own. although the K9 will make a good mercenary to protect Us the precious ones the hens all the rest of the household to service US the chickens

Monday, May 4, 2009

Godiva squaks

Hi i amgodiva the top chicken arround here after I was the spokes chicken for Godiva fabric and thus I am the spokes chicken of Northneedle creations and anyone know how it is to find a good spokes chicken

I just heard the fool dog has her own I am the top femalehere regardless of race

Friday, April 10, 2009

mision and editorial policy

The mission of this blog is simple and 3 fold

1) to amuse me

2) to amuse my readers

3) to get paid (hence the ads and ocassionals link to amazon assiactes program for things like chick books and video